Planet Position for Businessman


  1. Sun must influence either 1st house or 10th house or should be exalted or in own sign. These people have the confidence to stand on their own legs. They don't like to work under someone.
  2. Saturn must influence 3rd house or mars. These people are ready to put any amount of efforts and has courage to become self made.
  3. Mercury must influence 11th house or Saturn. Because a business man's core source of income is his business. They continuously communicate with their network one way or the other. This is the most important duty of a business man.
  4. Mercury must be aries, gemini, virgo or in parivartha in D1, D9 or D10.
  5. Mars must influence 10th house or Saturn(or exalted or in own signs or exalted sun for scorpio ascendant). Without the support of mars, the native doesn't have the courage to enforce things.
  6. Mars must influence 6th house(or mercury or sit in Virgo). These people love to take risks which is the best quality any business man can have and they are ready to face consequences too.
  7. Sun(confidence & self esteem) & mars(courage & speed) shouldn't be weak.
  8. Relation between 1st and 10th houses in D1 or D10. Working for ourselves. Working on our own rules and commands.
  9. Relation between Mercury and 1st or 10th house or Mercury & Saturn in D10
  10. Relation between 7th house/libra/venus and 10th house/capricorn/Saturn in D1 or D10. Because 7th house is the house of business. It is the house of trading & people. If your work(10th house) is not related to catering to people's need then it's not a business.
  11. Saturn must influence 2nd and 12th house or Jupiter or venus. This gives rational control over investments expenditure and pleasures. If a businessman doesn't have control over these three things he is doomed. It also indicates consistency in the growth of wealth and resources.

For any career analysis, first check the tenth house and the tenth lord. Which house, sign or nakshatra is the tenth lord placed in? By any of these three factors , is the tenth house or lord connected to the 2nd,3rd,7th, 9th or 11th houses?

For being successful in business, the most important houses to be analysed are the ascendant and the Kaama trikona (3rd,7th and 11th houses). For success in business, it is very important to have a strong lagna. It is also preferable to have the lagna/lagna lord to be connected to the Kaama trikona or their lords. Especially the lagna lord in the third house in good strength is very good for someone who is a first generation businessman, because this combination makes the person hardworking , courageous and capable. Also, preferably, one should have a benefic in the 3rd or 9th house, as that planet would enhance the fortune of the person to a great extent. Luck and fortune are very important for success in business, which brings me to my next point.

A strong 9th lord in a Kendra is a plus point for business. Also, the 9th house must be free from any malefic association.

We need to check dhan yogas as well in the chart. The more the number of Dhana yogas, the greater is the chance of financial success through business.

Now, let’s come to the 10th house. If you have Venus, Mercury, Rahu or Jupiter in the 10th house in good strength,(the former two being the karakas for business) chances are high that you will succeed in business. The 10th lord must also be connected to the Kaama Trikona. Also, a strong 11th house will ensure success and profits in business. Another house which everybody chooses to ignore for business is the 6th house. A strong 6th house or 6th lord is necessary to win over enemies and competition, which are two integral and inevitable parts of business.

Also, having rare yogas like Vasumati yoga, Kaahala Yoga, Trilochana yoga, Brahma yoga among many others Is a real blessing for success in business and financially.

Now, you also need to check the Dasamsa. Check the Dasamsa house and sign in which the 10th lord of the rashi chart is placed. If it is the Kaama trikona or the 9th house , business is very likely to be the source of income. Also, if the 7th house has more planets than the 6th house in Dasamsa, or if the former is stronger and has subhargala without any paapargala, it almost confirms the fact that the person will be in business.

To determine the nature of business , check the planets associated with the 7th house / lord and the 10th house/ lord in both rashi and dasamsa. The strongest among these planets will determine the area of business. The sun could signify government. The moon could signify businesses related to social relationships or liquids. Saturn could signify oil, steel, chemicals or real estate. Mars could signify technical businesses such as machines or metals. Venus could signify cosmetics, beauty products or fashion related businesses. Mercury could signify chartered accountants or anything to do with finance. Jupiter could signify businesses related to books, consultation, religious activities or astrology. Rahu could signify import-export . Ketu could signify small machines, electronics and computers.

In any chart, the earth signs and the air signs are very good for success in business.

Please note that almost all these combinations are also present in those successful in the entertainment industry.

Following are the qualities and corresponding house in astrology for successful entrepreneur,

In addition to above combination following are very important for success in business,

10th house - 10th house rules profession, strong 10th lord connection with Lagna indicates success in business

11th house - 11th house represents gains, so well placed 11th lord with connection to 10th house and Lagna is very important for gains in business.

2nd house - At the end of the day everyone wants to make money out of business. 2nd house indicates wealth. So well placed 2nd lord with connection to 10th house/11th house is key for earning wealth from business.

Last but not least, the powerful planet. Based on the powerful planet in the horoscope we can conclude the business the native will succeed. For example Venus rules Jewelry, cosmetics, textile etc, so if Venus is strong and have relation with 10th house/11th house/2nd house then we can conclude business related to Jewelry, cosmetics etc.

My views for business:

  1. Determination of first and foremost has to be placed on the ascendant and its lord, it's placement in the chart, also the moon's placement and the ascendant nakshatra this is the three main areas on must look for the purpose of life for the native; if one is to understand that whether business is viable option ilfor the person or is about hardwork and service, than it doesn't matter what happens after this as the drive and destiny is about whether will get the chance to get into business, the link of the three main driving factors above is important to understand.
  2. When it comes to business, you are dealing with the masses the house for masses and the planet for masses is house 7 and Saturn. This is why Saturn gets exalted in the original 7th house of libra. Most successful business men have Saturn exalted in Libra. Saturn in libra in business terms means you will be able to understand what the masses want and how to deal with the masses.
  3. Mercury location is another issue, mercury controls wit and intelligence and ideas. This is why as point above 1 if mercury owns the lagna and or is a benefic for the lagna and placed well it means that the native is here to experience the positiveness of mercury and interconnects there embodiment to be a businessman. This doesn't mean that for example aries ascendant that you can't be a businessman man as mercury is a malefic, if mercury is placed well it can mean you can do business but your natural embodiment of mars is not meant for business you need to curtail your aggressive and straightforward nature to do well in business and if mercury is placed well and also if moon is located within mercury ruled houses it's very good for business.
  4. 3rd house being strong is important because it gives you courage to accomplish goals this is more important for someone who is a first time business man in there family if your family are already in business you already have a leg up on this front other areas take over in this case as more important than house 3.
  5. 10th house is for career generally this is more about income not business strong 10th house doesn't mean business it can mean strong career.
  6. 11th house is very very important as it is about networking friends and gains. This needs to be very strong for you to achieve success as this house and lord will see the ease in which your friends / society can help you as networking is important.


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