Ad Copywriting for Luxury Brand

The luxury industry isn’t too different from the mass market when it comes to digital marketing. However, the difference relies on the approach, as the marketing strategies that work on regular customers won’t necessarily be effective with luxury audiences.

When speaking with clients, we often hear the same few questions:

How do we position ourselves as a leading luxury brand?

How do we attract and resonate with high-end consumers?

How do we deliver a cohesive brand voice that expresses our excellence?

Here’s the secret – ad copy matters! Regardless of what you have done behind-the-scenes to reach your target audience, ad copy is the only thing you can show to them and connect them to your brand. In the luxury industry, you need to stand out and for this, you need curated ad copy that doesn’t get lost in the noise of the search engines, conveys brand values within character limits and wins the audience’s attention on a crowded search result page.

The learnings that we are happy to share here will inspire you to craft seductive ad copy to persuade luxury consumers and increase your ROI.

1. Focus on what makes your brand special

Ask yourself: What draws the consumer to your luxury brand? What draws a consumer to buy luxury when they could buy from a similar yet cheaper brand?

Luxury brands like to stress their heritage whilst premium brands stress inspirational qualities in their ad messages. Many luxury brands lean so heavily, or even solely, on the brand name to market their products without knowing that they are actually missing out on an opportunity to remind consumers of what originally makes the brand luxurious and different.

Research by Deloitte shows that luxury consumers in mature markets are less brand loyal and so that quality & uniqueness are the most important factors in drawing them to luxury products. Affluent consumers today are more informed than ever and consequently are more discriminatory and demanding. They look for real values and do thorough research to make sure they get those, as for them premium pricing without substance doesn’t imply luxury.

As the audience evolves, not only does product quality act as a point of differentiation but also a justification for premium value and pricing. Luxury brands, therefore, must be prepared to give their audience the facts they want and justify price points through defining what specifically makes the brand superior. A recipe of quality or design excellence such as craftsmanship, precision, finest ingredients or materials, unique design and extraordinary product capabilities is always a good way to separate luxury brands from the rest.

Another thing to bear in mind is that each luxury brand is individual & unique, so luxury brands should make sure that consumers desire the brand for what it is, instead of trying to show how better they are than their rivals. That is to say, ad copy for luxury brands should never try to compare the brand to others. Instead, luxury brands need to highlight their unique sales proposition and wrap it in enticing, wholly irresistible copy. Don’t just tell your audience to buy – show them why your brand is the right choice!

2. Write to sell a lifestyle, not just a premium price product

A luxury brand is still about the experience!

It is true that consumers justify the reasons for their purchases with logic but they actually buy on emotion, explains Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman. When consumers opt for luxury, they expect a high-value and customised experience, a sense of a lifestyle and a value system –  a set of unique physical and emotional values that each luxury brand delivers to customers.

Product excellence by itself, therefore, is no longer enough. The delivery of a luxury brand must be at both levels – first at a product level and second at an experiential level which is the emotional value of the brand the consumers buy into.

Luxury brands should seek to change their ad messages to adapt to this demand and make sure that they understand the real motivations behind the purchase – the emotional appeal of the message – and know how they can align their products with them.

Communicate the story behind luxury products and supplement traditional attributes such as quality and scarcity with lifestyle values – an assurance of luxury, style, the happiness they inspire or whatever value the brand stands by.

Pay more attention to the language being used and the emotional feel of words as in many cases, minor changes to the wording could have a big impact. For example, the combination of words like “timeless”, “performance” and “prestige” can create an undeniable sense of opulence. Calls-to-action such as “Discover”, “Explore” or “Get inspired” – instead of “Buy Now” – can give a feeling that the brand is a world for the consumer to envelop themselves in, rather than just a series of expensive products. Similarly, the phrase “Enjoy Complimentary Shipping” takes up more space than “Free Shipping” but it’s worth it to add a more luxurious feel to the ad copy and keep your brand image intact on the search result pages.

Exclusivity is another trick of the trade when it comes to luxury brand marketing as it helps not only maintain consumer desire through scarcity and rarity but also generate advocacy for the brand. Luxury advertisers can create a sense of exclusivity online through tailored ad copy to digitally deliver loyalty perks that are reserved specifically for returning customers.

There is nothing better than the ‘just-for-me’ feeling that a luxury brand can give their customers.

3. Resonate with your audience

In the “Meets the HENRYs” book series, Pamela Danziger shares that today’s affluent consumers are seeking to engage with luxury brands that align with their personal values. However, a lot of luxury advertising “still speaks to this old idea of the classic rich person”says Shari Jones, CMO of XOJet – through clichΓ© and flowery language without realising that the ultimate goal of luxury marketing is to create a message that reflects the true value of the brand and resonates with the audience. Jones says:

“The modern luxury consumer is different. They are adaptable, fast-moving, smart yet approachable and have a younger mindset

And so luxury marketing must evolve with its consumers. In the competitive world of luxury goods where luxury consumers are demanding and inundated with advertising messages daily, the challenge lies in attracting them in a unique way and communicating on their level to demonstrate your understanding of their needs and lifestyle.

Luxury brands must truly understand their evolving customer base and how they are changing to enable more tailored marketing and ultimately create long-term values. A big tip here is to speak in the consumer’s language – use words that the consumer could relate to and adjust your tone of voice to appeal to them. If you can get the audience to harmonise with what you are saying, you can make an emotional connection with them and that is when the magic happens.

4. Remain consistent across brand touchpoints

Today’s luxury consumers hear messages and make buying decisions based on information from multiple channels simultaneously. They expect a connected, coherent and seamless brand experience regardless of channel.

To capture the attention of the target segment, luxury advertisers have to work harder on multiple fronts and coordinate uniform looks for both the content and the feeling it creates. That is to say, every part of your brand, marketing and sales strategies, whether online or offline, must promote the same luxury experience that consumers can expect from purchasing your product or service.

In many cases, these strategies are taken care of by different departments or external agencies so it is important there is a close and effective collaboration between all the parties involved, to make sure the advertising messages are aligned with, and reinforce, the brand’s luxury message, visuals, site content and other marketing materials.

5. Protect the brand

One of the biggest challenges for luxury brands is competing with not only direct competitors but third-party distributors as well.

To help compete, you could try including the registered trademark (®) symbol and the phrase “Official Site” in ad copy to inform the audience which are your ads. Highlighting exclusive products or offers could also help.

Nonetheless, it is far more important for luxury brands to be selective when it comes to resellers and create partnership guidelines stating whether resellers can use the brand name for marketing purposes.

Competitor analysis is another significant part of luxury brand protection. Keep an eye on what the competition is using in ad copy and if any competitors are using your trademark terms, you have grounds to report them to Google. Also, by looking at the types of offers competitors are calling out, you can review your own strategy and make sure that you are effectively delivering your brand messages.

Finally, staying away from false promises is a must for luxury brands as you never want to end up losing your prospects, damaging your brand image or even opening yourself to litigation. Focus on the ultimate promise that you can live up to and grab consumers attention with on-brand and engaging ad copy that conveys the message, rather than extraneous marketing speak.

6. Utilise automation with caution

A changing trend we are seeing across Paid Media is the increase in automation through machine learning. Luxury brands tend to be far more hesitant at embracing automation, the same way as they were when they first moved digitally, as in the end they have more brand equity to lose than any other brands. However, in today’s AI-led world where brands are showing their initiative and creativity in deploying machine learning as part of their digital marketing strategy, it has become more crucial for luxury brands to look at automation as an opportunity for growth, rather than just a risk to avoid.

Automation, in reality, could be beneficial for luxury brands if they are used in a smart, cautious and strategic way:

  • IF functions makes it easier to serve irresistible, hyper-relevant ad copy. If a consumer viewed your new collection page and then came back searching for your brand, you would want to show him/her a tailored ad copy highlighting the specialness of the collection that goes alongside exclusive offers when shopping on the official online store – this is possible thanks to automation.
  • Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) is another feature that you can use to make your messages more relevant to the audience by including keywords that most closely match their actual search terms in your ad copy. This will not only make your ad stand out as the matching search terms will be displayed by Google in bold but also more likely to get searchers to click.
  • Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) leverage your ad copy testing, revealing the best combination of headlines and descriptions in response to individual searches. Given the ever-evolving customer base of luxury brands, the automation could give advertisers the insights they need to engage with the target audience successfully, whilst still allowing them to keep control of the wording in each line.

These are incredible tools for any advertisers, but please be thoughtful as it is down to the strategy behind them which brings about success.

7. A/B testing is key

A best practice we often recommend to our clients is to be consistently testing. Each luxury brand is unique and there are no hard rules or ‘one-size-fits-all’ strategies, especially when it comes to digital marketing.

One of the good things about paid advertising is that you have significantly more control over the messaging in your ad copy than in organic listings. To improve your ad’s performance, you could run a true A/B test to see whether the product’s selling features or brand’s value proposition resonate more effectively with the target audience.

We analysed ad copy across all of our clients and found that the differences in ad performance often lie between different audiences. You could test segmenting audiences and creating bespoke ad copy to understand what works and what does not. For example, experimenting with women’s only ad copy for users who viewed the women’s wear collection pages or gifting messages for men visiting the women’s product pages.

It is often said that you should not communicate on price in luxury at all. However, price could be an excellent way to qualify the audience and discourage those looking for a bargain from clicking. The strategy, in reality, has worked for some luxury brands. In such a case, testing is the only way that can tell if the strategy works for your brand.

Final thoughts

Copywriting should never be an afterthought as “70% of ad recall, brand awareness and purchase intent is driven by creative” (Ad Age). Instead, it should be a key part of your luxury brand strategy. Well-researched, curated and inspired ad copy could help capture the attention of your target segment and communicate with them in a way that ensures they feel understood, at ease, and enticed to buy.

Don’t hesitate to explore the power of effective copywriting and share with us what you have learnt along the way! If you would like help from a specialist PPC marketing agency, please contact us at

If you are seeking curated copywriting that attracts high-end clientele, you're in the right place!

your product or service is high-END, but where are all the high-end clientele?

If I could have a dime for every time I hear that question!

And here's the secret—copywriting matters.
In order to attract and resonate with high-end clientele, you have to eloquently express the value of your offerings, AND communicate in a way that ensures luxury consumers feel understood.

I know how frustrating it is to put such passion and hard work into creating a luxury experience, and having no clientele to show for it. The good news is—it doesn’t have to be that way and, if that’s where you’re at, don’t despair—I’m here to help.

Over the past 13 years I’ve worked alongside luxury villas, resorts, private jets, jewelry and fashion houses, decor purveyors, architectural firms, beauty brands, and more to help them attract the caliber of clientele they seek. Together, we can do the same for you.


What if your copy practically sold itself?

I'd be the first to tell you that visual branding is essential—imagery and color palettes set the tone for your brand, and pique interest—but copywriting is what connects your audience to your brand, and your offerings. It's copywriting that ultimately creates the sale.

Luxury Branding

What if your copywriting positioned you as a leading luxury brand?

What if you could attract, and resonate with, high-end clientele?

What if you had a cohesive brand voice that expressed your excellence?

What if your copywriting aligned with, and reinforced, your brand visuals?

What if your copywriting could help you get fully booked—fast?

Most businesses will invest in a website developer, a graphic designer, and a photographer with little to no hesitation, but for some reason when it comes to copywriting, most people spend hours piecing something together on their own, and then wonder why their ideal high-end clientele aren't noticing them, connecting with them, or purchasing from them. Once you realize the power of curated copywriting, everything changes.

WHY? Because copy should be strategic—it should advocate for your brand, clearly express your offerings, and communicate with your ideal clientele in a way that ensures they feel understood, at ease, and enticed to buy.

I know how frustrating, and time consuming, it can be to try and figure out the art of effective copywriting on your own (and, you shouldn't have to.) You should be free to focus on your business, and your clientele; I'm here to curate copy that converts, for you.

There is nothing average about what you offer and your copywriting should reflect that. 

Hi, I'm Camilla Carboni, my clients call me The Copy Curator™.

My writing obsession began early on (in fact I remember being selected to submit a short story for a children's collective back when I was in junior high), and quickly became my greatest passion.

I went on to graduate with a Master's Degree in Consumer Psychology and English, and obtain additional Certifications in Business Writing, SEO, and Content Strategy. And then I wrote, and wrote, and wrote...

Camilla Carboni, The Copy Connoisseur

Over the past decade I have written copy for some of the world's most prestigious brands; from luxury hotels, villas, and resorts, to fashion houses, private jets, luxury yachts, decor purveyors, architectural firms, jewelry, cosmetic, and beauty brands, to destination spas, fine dining establishments, global communications conglomerates, and Fortune 100 and 500 companies. I'm no stranger to writing copy that converts and I specialize in curated copywriting for luxury brands seeking to attract high-end clientele.

I believe in the power of words. And, I've witnessed firsthand how curated copywriting can changed the trajectory of a business. I'm talking BIG numbers here—I've helped businesses generate 1000s of sales per day and millions of dollars in annual revenue—and I don't mention this to brag (that’s so not my style), just to emphasize the importance of effective copywriting. 

Copywriting shouldn’t be an afterthought, or a mere filler—it should be part of your overarching business strategy. 

Finding a copywriter who loves to write is easy, but finding a copywriter who loves to write and has an advanced communications education, and over a decade of experience writing strategic, SEO, curated copy for world-renown luxury brands, isn't. And yet—here you are—you found me!

“Camilla epitomizes and exceeds the description of ‘luxury copywriter.’”


“We have content we are proud of…plus it is optimised for web.”


“Camilla is truly an expert in her field.”

Livia Jenvey, Business Coach & Professional Speaker, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A.

Ready for powerful, curated copy? Start here.

The luxury market expects a bespoke experience, which is why I offer custom copywriting services specific to your business needs. Whether you seek Γ€ La Carte Copywriting Services for your website, product descriptions, product packaging, brochure, sales page, or email sequence, and/or Monthly Retainer Copywriting Services for your ongoing business needs, together we can customize a package that works for you.

To get started, schedule your complimentary Copywriting Consultation by clicking below:

Copywriting Services and Pricing

Γ€ la carte COPYwriting services

  • SEO Website Copywriting

  • Product Description Copywriting

  • Packaging Description Copywriting

  • Brochure Copywriting

  • Sales Page and Sales Funnel Copywriting

  • Email Marketing Copywriting

Γ€ La Carte Copywriting Services are ideal for projects on an as-needed basis.

retainer copywriting services

Ongoing copywriting support for your specific business needs.
This is ideal if you have predictable copywriting needs, such as product launches that require new product descriptions, or weekly newsletter emails, sales funnels, press releases, and landing pages that require copywriting.

Retainer Packages are designed to cater to your monthly copywriting needs.

All projects are custom quoted. Rates are determined by your specific business needs.

Copywriting Service Specialties

luxury brand copywriting

Eloquent and alluring copywriting that attracts, and resonates with, high-end clientele. The luxury industry requires a completely different approach to mainstream copywriting and I specialize in curating luxury copywriting for luxury brands around the globe.

SEO Website Copywriting

High-converting website copywriting that is on-brand, strategic, and search engine optimized.
Every website copywriting project includes detailed Keyword Research and placement, as well as Meta Data copywriting (Meta Title, Meta Description, and H1 Header Tag), for every website page written, to ensure optimal search engine rank and positioning.

Product Description Copywriting

Captivating, strategic, and sales-driven product description copywriting for product packaging, websites, e-commerce shops, and Amazon listings. Product descriptions can range in length from a few sentences to a full page of keyword-rich SEO copywriting and are focused on clearly expressing the value of your products, to ensure they sell effortlessly.

Sales Funnel Copywriting

My all-inclusive sales funnel copywriting package, The Luxury Funnel Formula, includes high-converting copywriting for your opt-in landing page, lead magnet, thank you page, VSL script (video sales letter), long-form landing page (tripwire page), and automated email nurture/up-sell sequence. Sales funnel copywriting packages include marketing strategy support and sales funnel wireframes.

Landing Page and Sales Page Copywriting

Conversion-driven long-form sales page copywriting designed to promote products or services, up-sell clientele to a higher-tiered product or service level, and/or convert new or existing clientele into paying, and repeat, customers.

Brochure Copywriting

On-brand, sales-driven, and informative brochure copywriting that elevates your business, and offers your clientele insights and purchasing opportunities.

Email Copywriting

Sales and newsletter email copywriting for both standalone emails and email sequences, curated to ensure high open rates, engage the reader, prompt a desired action, and nurture clientele into becoming loyal brand evangelists.

The Copywriting Process

  1. Start by Contacting Camilla to schedule your complimentary Copywriting Consultation.

  2. During your consultation, we will discuss your specific copywriting needs and determine the package, and timeframe, that best accommodate your business.

  3. I will then prepare a custom quote for the work requested.

  4. After investing in your copywriting package, you will receive access to my detailed copywriting questionnaire, which enables me to gain insights into your ideal clientele, brand voice, and business objectives.

  5. We will then schedule a review call to discuss your completed questionnaire, and I will begin curating your copywriting.

  6. Depending on the package you select, you will have direct email access to me throughout the duration of your package, and we will stay in close communication to ensure the end product exceeds your expectations.

  7. Once the first draft of your copywriting is completed, you will have time to review it, and request any changes, as needed. 

  8. I will then provide you with your final copywriting documents before our agreed upon deadline and you will have full rights to these copywriting files for life.

  9. Upon completion of your project, you will be set up for success with curated copywriting that attracts, and resonates with, high-end clientele.

To get started, schedule your complimentary Copywriting Consultation by clicking below:

Copywriting FAQ

How long does the copywriting process take? +

Do you charge by word, page, or set package? +

What can I expect the copywriting investment to be? +

Do you offer a payment plan? +

What level of service can I expect? +

“If you are looking for an outstanding, professional and trusted copywriter, working with Camilla is your best choice!"



11 Examples of Stellar Lifestyle Copywriting

The best brands are about much more than their products; they sell a whole lifestyle. These brands inspire their customers to pursue a way of life that really appeals to them, whether it is through a set of values, a philosophy or a specific aesthetic.

Lifestyle brands tailor themselves to the experiences that their audiences desire and sell an idea of how their lives could be if they own a particular product, rather than simply selling the product. They connect us with our ideal version of ourselves, and promise to help us achieve that ideal by owning what they offer.

But how do lifestyle brands convince us that their products can make us the people we dream to be? Whilst visuals are vital – the brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text – words also help to spark our imaginations and convince us of all of the ways in which a brand can help us be what we know we really are. Here are 11 examples of incredible lifestyle copywriting and the methods they use to convince people to buy.

Recommended reading: 15 Tips to Create Killer Website Content

Grab attention with a bold strap-line

Being bold and forthright about what you are offering a customer will capture their attention.

Hemleva is an ecommerce shop that sells air plants, but they offer so much more with their strapline that tells customers to ‘Curate a beautiful life’.

Hemleva offer a stylish and minimal aesthetic that customers feel they can buy into by becoming aesthetic creators themselves.

Credit: Hemleva

Make copy ultra readable by using short sentences

Whilst the received wisdom is that long sentences demonstrate intelligence, short sentences actually work better in sales copy. Short, punchy messages are easier to read and understand, and give copy a pleasing rhythm.

Apple, arguably the biggest lifestyle brand in the world, are masters at this, using snappy sentences that are effortless to read, yet still very inspiring.

Credit: Apple

Use memorable slogans

A catchy slogan that sticks in people’s minds is one of the hallmarks of stellar lifestyle copywriting. In 1947 copywriter Frances Gerety created the iconic tagline ‘A Diamond Is Forever’ for De Beers Jewelers in an attempt to boost the sales of diamonds, which had slumped during the great depression. Nearly 70 years later it is still being used and De Beers is the world’s leading diamond company.

Credit: Forevermark

Challenge your audience

It’s vital that your lifestyle copy speaks directly to the people who want to attain that particular lifestyle — otherwise you will lose your target audience within the first sentence.

Tough Mudder run events designed to test physical and mental endurance, and promote a lifestyle that is hard work but ultimately very rewarding. Their copy reflects this by using words that directly challenge their audience with words like ‘extreme’, ‘insane’, and ‘grit’.

Credit: Tough Mudder

Be gentle with your audience

Another example of writing for a particular audience is First Round Capital. Whilst First Round is primarily a seed-stage venture firm, they also have one foot in lifestyle branding thanks to their focus on the start-up community. They speak gently to their audience, sympathizing with the difficulties of starting a company and offering support and advice.

Credit: First Round

Engage your audience by telling stories

Some of the best lifestyle copywriting doesn’t even feature the product it is trying to sell. Jack Daniels are masters at this — engaging their audience through telling stories about the heritage of the brand without even mentioning whisky. Using real stories stamps the brand with an authenticity that can’t be fabricated, therefore promoting trust.

Credit: Jack Daniels

Make your audience feel good about themselves

Great copy encourages people to feel good about themselves, and top luxury lifestyle brand Burt’s Bees are an excellent example of this. They convince the customer that everything they put on their body should be made from the best ingredients nature has to offer, and they also have a great track record in sustainability and corporate responsibility. It’s a double whammy of good feeling for the customer.

Credit: Burt’s Bees

Make like Burt’s Bees and find a powerful and engaging value proposition that your audience will remember you for. Then, don’t forget to big it up!

Place the audience within the advert

Good copywriting invites the audience to imagine themselves using a product by placing it within the context of their everyday life. FitBit speaks directly to consumers and promotes the idea that exercise is easy, convenient and achievable by anyone. They go the extra mile in personalizing their copy by using the words ‘you’ and ‘yours’ repeatedly.

Credit: FitBit

Inspire your audience to be better

Rather than focusing on the details of a particular product, great lifestyle copywriting inspires and engages its audience by focusing on the way people will feel when they own that product (i.e. better than they currently do).

Nike uses copy to capture a state of mind and uses the same empowering and inspirational language consistently across all campaigns, making people feel like they are already athletes, regardless of how fit they actually are.

Credit: Nike

Use technical details to promote credibility

It’s easy to dismiss technical details as unimportant to consumers, but including them in your lifestyle copy can actually enhance credibility and trust. Samsung use this to their advantage in the copy they use to describe the Galaxy Note8.

Not everyone will know precisely what the aspect ratio of a phone is, so Samsung walk them through its relevance by explaining that it relates to the screen. The combination of technical detail and a clear definition of its broader relevance creates copy that is both informed and engaging.

Credit: Samsung

Use humor to charm your audience

Being funny isn’t appropriate for all types of lifestyle copywriting – you won’t find De Beers trying to make you chuckle – but humor definitely works for some brands.

Moosejaw is an outdoor apparel brand that is selling a lifestyle of down-to-earth enjoyment of the great outdoors, and they use humor and unconventional copy to reach out to their audience.

It’s crucial not to sacrifice clarity for a cheap laugh, but Moosejaw’s copywriters have very successfully pulled off a tone that is light and playful, while still being useful.

7 Things Writers Can Learn From Luxury Copywriting

7 Things Writers Can Learn From Luxury Copywriting

BMW. Louis Vuitton. Gucci.

These luxury brands are all household names by now.

Certain qualities and attributes appear when you think of them, too.

For instance, what do you imagine when you hear “Mercedes Benz?”

Probably the three-pointed star logo, right?

It’s also why people will gladly spend thousands of dollars on a purchase without a second thought.

And, what’s that reason? Branding and impeccable copy.

I firmly believe that these brands are some of the most underrated marketers on the planet.

Keep reading to learn their secrets. πŸ‘‡

1. Focus on the exclusivity

Luxury goods place customers in a clubhouse.

Not everyone can afford them. Not everyone has access to them.

This makes the products rare, scarce, and highly desired.

It’s also an incredibly effective copywriting tactic. They know this. That’s why they commonly incorporate into their messaging.

Here’s a section of the page for a Rolls Royce Wraith:

Request a brochure for a Wraith

Note how you have to request a brochure to learn more about the product.

You can’t find the price or typical product information on the website.

It keeps customers in a gated community and you have to be allowed in; exclusivity at its finest.

Exclusivity can also be achieved through rare materials. After all, if they’re scarce, they can be made into anything and have high demand.

Look at this Burberry python leather purse to see what I mean:

Burberry python purse

You don’t see many people wearing python leather fashion because it’s a rare material. (The price tag reflects this.)

Additionally, Burberry elaborates on the materials and premium construction in the product description.

Burberry production description for python purse

You don’t have to necessarily rationalize why the material is so special. Let it speak for itself.

Unless, of course, it’s an unheard-of material that could use explanation.

Furthermore, nothing beats one-of-a-kind. Luxury brands call this bespoke.

It’s not enough to have the best of the best. It needs to be only yours.

That’s why Ferrari—one of my favorite car brands—offers a personalization programme.

Ferrari personalization programme

Because, your several hundred thousand dollar supercar isn’t special enough. πŸ˜‚

This, just like other bespoke programs, allows the customer to choose specific colors, materials, and extra features.

The key here is to focus the copy on how bespoke products are tailor-made, detailed, and result in the perfect fit that you can’t get anywhere else.

2. Price does matter

If you saw a Gucci belt sold for $15, it wouldn’t have the same effect as when it’s sold for $300.

This is why price does matter.

It’s directly related to quality and value.

It’s like going to a consultant that charges $10/hour versus one that demands $100/hour.

You would expect lesser of service from the first individual.

That’s why you see luxury brands either do one of two things:

  1. Clearly display high price tags: Think of it as confidence. Yeah, our bag is $3,000. So what? People buy and love it.
  2. Don’t display any prices: Customers who know what our prices are in the clubhouse. If you don’t, contact us.

Saint Laurent uses the first approach on the product page for this jacket:

YSL jacket

Yes, it’s a jacket worth college tuition and they show it proudly.

Bentley Motors, on the other hand, takes the second approach.

Bentley Continental GT product page

The above is the page for their new Continental GT V8.

You’d have a better chance of finding a needle in a haystack than finding a price tag.

Rather, you have to “request information” to get the MSRP.

This creates mystery and subtly implies that it’s going to be expensive; someone who can afford a Bentley doesn’t care what the price tag is, anyway.

3. Images mean a thousand words

Great images and copy go hand-in-hand.

Often they won’t have the same impact until they’re paired together.

Luxury brands thrive on thus. Heck, they’re visually driven businesses to begin with.

And, if you’re spending thousands of dollars or more on a product, you better know what you’re getting.

That’s why Rolls Royce includes insanely detailed photos of cars on their website.

Wraith photos

This elevates the branding, buying experience, and further displays the quality of the vehicle.

Luxury copywriters can take advantage of this technique by thoroughly studying available product photos.

Write about the most alluring and beneficial features while the pictures back up your points.

Claude Hopkins put it best: images are salespeople themselves.

4. Show off influencers and press

49% of consumers depend on influencer recommendations.

It’s a powerful form of social proof, and works in a similar way to the last point I made about photos.

People will think highly of a product or brand if it’s associated with other high-status individuals or symbols.

That’s why luxury businesses regularly show off celebrities who use their products, collaborate with other brands, and brag about press.

This BMW i8 and Louis Vuitton luggage collaboration is a great example:

BMW and Louis Vuitton collab

They both have audiences interested in high ends goods, allowing for effective cross-promotion.

Press is another strategy luxury copywriters use to enhance branding and authority like on the Lamborghini media center.

Lamborghini Media Center

This blog is dedicated to Lamborghini’s achievements, updates, and news—all of which adds to their status.

5. Talk emotion, status, and reputation

Why do people buy high end and expensive products?

Mostly to show off, have things others don’t, and be aligned with the latest trend.

And, no. I’m not being a jerk. That’s what a Deloitte survey concluded when surveying consumers.

Why people buy luxury goods

What does this mean as a luxury copywriter?

Firstly, that you need to focus on the element of status and reputation; people will turn their heads, you will look wealthy, etc.

Secondly, hone in the emotion. 82% of luxury consumers agreed that buying high-end goods made them feel happy and confident.

Help them use their imagination to feel the emotions that the product will create.

Lastly, focus on quality. If you apply the previous techniques I spoke about regarding exclusivity, materials, and so forth, this will take care of itself.

6. Keep in line with the brand

Let me ask you something.

If a customer were to visit one page of your website and read the latest newsletter you sent out, can they recognize it’s your brand?

Or, if you stripped the logo and name, would it be unrecognizable?

That’s why branding consistency is so crucial.

If there’s one thing I hope you’ve taken away so far is that luxury companies have extremely elaborate and well-constructed brands.

You see their logo and you instantly think and feel something. That’s extremely powerful.

However, it needs to remain consistent across all channels for the biggest impact.

Here’s the homepage for Rolls Royce, for example:

Cullinan web page

Very luxurious, right?

Even their navigation gives the same impression.

Rolls Royce navigation

They use the word “Enquire” because it sounds posher than “Contact.”

Rolls Royce instagram

Then, their Instagram account uses the same logo and overall aesthetic.

What does this mean for luxury brand copywriting?

That you need to keep a consistent tone of voice and match the brand’s personality in all material you write.

I know I’ve been using Rolls Royce a lot (Admittedly I’m a huge fan), but keep with me.

Here’s another example of copy from one of their product pages:

Rolls Royce black badge copy

It’s bold. It’s seducing. It has a unique style that jumps from the page.

You see the same writing on any asset of theirs you visit. A.K.A they’ve achieved perfect consistency.

Final thoughts on luxury copywriting

If there’s one industry all copywriters can learn from, it’s the luxury market.

Because if they can sell expensive high-end goods, their copy must be of equal quality.

Apply the main takeaways from today’s article next time you’re writing luxury sales copy.

Key takeaways
  1. Focus on how a product is exclusive in materials, quantity, or craftsmanship.
  2. Boldly state high price tags or hide them.
  3. Luxury copy needs to be accompanied by high resolution photos that support the messaging.
  4. Brag about celebrities, influencers, and press mentions.
  5. Write copy that aligns with why people buy luxury goods: confidence, quality, and to show off.
  6. Luxury copy aligns with how the brand presents itself.



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