
Showing posts from January, 2021

What Does Each Planet Signfies In Terms Of Business

  What Does Each Planet Signfies In Terms Of Business We need to see which planets are stronger in these houses. It is these planets which decide the best option in business. A strong Sun indicates- Government related business, export and import, gold business, power and energy businesses, business from plants, any business related to clothes, medicine and food grains and all businesses, which give status and fame. A strong MOON indicates – Businesses related to milk, hot & soft drink. Business related to water, silver, Business related to tours and travels, readymade garments, farming, nursery, toys, seasonal business, transport, salt, silk, polyester clothes, all type of designing field, writing, art, education related to children and doctors. A strong MARS indicates – Business related to hard work, all type of machinery, electrics and electronics, business related, gold, chemical, farming, fertilizer and pesticide, defense, surgery, vehicles, spare parts, business related to mai

Planet Position for Businessman

  Sun must influence either 1st house or 10th house or should be exalted or in own sign. These people have the confidence to stand on their own legs. They don't like to work under someone. Saturn must influence 3rd house or mars. These people are ready to put any amount of efforts and has courage to become self made. Mercury must influence 11th house or Saturn. Because a business man's  core source of income  is his  business.  They continuously communicate with their network one way or the other. This is the most important duty of a business man. Mercury must be aries, gemini, virgo or in parivartha in D1, D9 or D10. Mars must influence 10th house or Saturn(or exalted or in own signs or exalted sun for scorpio ascendant). Without the support of mars, the native doesn't have the courage to enforce things. Mars must influence 6th house(or mercury or sit in Virgo). These people love to take risks which is the best quality any business man can have and they are ready to face c

What Does A Medical Biller & Coder Do

What Does A Medical Biller & Coder Do? Healthcare jobs are increasing at a faster rate than average. Medical billers and coders are needed to handle insurance and patient claims. MTI College offers a Medical Billing and Coding Professional Diploma Program that can prepare you to enter this in-demand field. You could be working alongside doctors and nurses in a hospital, doctor’s office, clinic, nursing home or other medical facility using your skills to provide much-needed assistance. Because more people have access to health insurance these days, claims on behalf of patients are going to increase. If you have a medical billing job, you will be the one to submit the bills for insurance reimbursement. Does this sound like a job you would enjoy? Find out what a medical biller and coder does on a day-to-day basis and learn whether it is a good career choice for you. What is medical billing and coding? Medical bi

The five pillars of luxury copywriting in the digital age.

The five pillars of luxury copywriting in the digital age. Luxury brands have a tricky time talking to their patrons these days. Traditionally, upscale companies avoided words and used sexy, elevated imagery to communicate superiority. But that's so Calvin Klein in the '90s. As digital communication becomes more central to our economic lives, it is growing ever more difficult to ignore the luxury customer's need for meaningful verbal connection. And social media, now a necessary evil in the brand loyalty game, is an inherently casual vehicle for conversation. Which presents a problem: How does a brand create affinity for high-ticket items in the realm of LOL and OMG? It's a conundrum every brand needs to solve in its own way, but here are a some basic principles to follow in the process: DO NOT USE THE WORD LUXURY...  You know the person at the dinner party who spends the whole evening telling everyone how fancy he is? Don't be that guy. Leave any r

Ad Copywriting for Luxury Brand

The luxury industry isn’t too different from the mass market when it comes to digital marketing. However, the difference relies on the approach, as the marketing strategies that work on regular customers won’t necessarily be effective with luxury audiences. When speaking with clients, we often hear the same few questions: How do we position ourselves as a leading luxury brand? How do we attract and resonate with high-end consumers? How do we deliver a cohesive brand voice that expresses our excellence? Here’s the secret – ad copy matters! Regardless of what you have done behind-the-scenes to reach your target audience, ad copy is the only thing you can show to them and connect them to your brand. In the luxury industry, you need to stand out and for this, you need curated ad copy that doesn’t get lost in the noise of the search engines, conveys brand values within character limits and wins the audience’s attention on a crowded search result page. The learnings that