Sun in 12 Nakshatras
Sun in 12 Nakshatras
1. Sun in Ashwini

- Keywords for instance, Fame, Desire for power.
- After that, Authority positions, Leadership.
- Militant, Aggressive, Excellent business skills.
- In addition, Regal, Proud Nature.
2. Sun in Bharani

- Keywords for instance, Militant nature, Issues with anger and pride.
- After that, Wealth, creative Nature.
- Fame, Respected, Tactful.
- In addition, Intelligent.
3. Sun in Krittika

- Keywords for instance, Destructive, Angry Temperament.
- After that, Gifts in music, dance and drama.
- Solitude, Need for seclusion.
- Issues with authority figures.
- Leadership, power over the masses.
- In addition, Spiritual warrior, discipline.
4. Sun in Rohini

- Keywords for instance, Many friends, well liked.
- After that, Robust nature, Musical gifts.
- Poetic, strong emotions, Artistic Nature.
- In addition, Beautiful, Seductive, Sensual.
5. Sun in Mrigashira

- Keywords for instance, Adventures, Laziness, Indulgent nature.
- After that, Creative, Jack of all trades, Writing skill.
- Poetic, leadership, Authority figure.
- Athletic, competitive.
- In addition, Courageous, Adventurous.
6. Sun in Ardra

- Keywords for instance,
- After that, Restless mind, Fierce activity.
- Dishonest, cunning, Fickle.
- Critical,
- mental Instability.
- In addition, Politically minded, Social skills.
7. Sun in Punarvasu

- Keywords for instance, Good Social Status, Emotionally overwhelmed.
- After that, Gifts in the communication fields.
- In addition, Great intellectual power.
8. Sun in Pushya

- Keywords for instance, Arrogant, Dictatorial, Need for security.
- After that, Creativity in the arts, Artistic nature.
- Sensitive, thrifty, successful, wealthy.
- In addition, Authority figure, Good speech.
9. Sun in Ashlesha

- Keywords for instance, Deceptive, Evasive, Unpredictable.
- After that, Erratic Career, Good Communication skills.
- Mystic, Intuitive, Opinionated.
- In addition, Stubborn nature,
- Greedy, Business Oriented.
10. Sun in Magha

- Keywords for instance, Connected to a spiritual lineage.
- After that, Adventurous spirit, love of travel.
- Kingly, Proud Nature.
- Entertainer, Musical, seeks attention.
- In addition, Leadership, Authority positions.
11. Sun in Purva Phalguni

- Keywords for instance, Pitta Nature, athletic ability.
- After that, A showman gifts in teaching and sales.
- Recognition through connection with women.
- Regal quality, self confidence.
- Sense of humour, playfulness,
- In addition, Gifted in the performing arts, vanity.
12. Sun in Uttara Phalguni

- Keywords for instance, Love of the creative arts.
- After that, Successful retirement and end of life.
- Confidence, Strong pride, arrogance.
- Fond of reading and writing.
- In addition, Humanitarian concern, leadership.
13. Sun in Hasta

- Keywords for instance, Love of knowledge and writing.
- After that, Gifts in music, dance, drama.
- Interest in astrology and the occult.
- Excellent memory and analytical ability.
- In addition, Skilled with hands,
- attention to detail.
14. Sun in Chitra

- Keywords for instance, Strong need for recognition.
- After that, Interest in art, photography, music.
- Cunning, harsh at times.
- In addition, Warrior nature,
- Militant, Artistic.
15. Sun in Swati

- Keywords for instance, Difficulties with father.
- After that, Always looking for future Success.
- Fall from grace, troubles with government.
- Good social status, Authority figure.
- In addition, Self Employed,
- Business skills, logical.
16. Sun in Vishakha

- Keywords for instance, Alcohol problems, Restless nature.
- After that, Scientific, research oriented.
- Troubles with authority figures, Father.
- Introverted, secretive nature, Ambitious.
- In addition, Self centered nature.
17. Sun in Anurasha

- Keywords for instance, Creative, gifts in the fine arts.
- After that, Determined, physical strength, Athletic.
- Responsible, respected, Wealthy.
- Important group, affiliation successful.
- In addition, Interest in politics,
- leadership ability.
18. Sun in Jyeshtha

- Keywords for instance, Innovative mind and imaginative.
- After that, Family obligations and responsibilities.
- Good executive ability.
- High Social status, Ambitious nature.
- Hard working, Attains fame.
- In addition, But desires seclusion.
19. Sun in Mula

- Keywords for instance, Gives good advice, Spiritual knowledge.
- After that, Humanitarian, concern, noble.
- Athletic ability, courage.
- Mystical interests, psychic.
- Dictatorial nature, Powerful strong.
- In addition, Wealth, fame and success.
20. Sun in Purva Ashadha

- Keywords for instance, Strange Personality, challenges, zealous.
- After that, Interest in sports competitive.
- Humanitarian concern, charitable.
- Slow, but steady recognition, fame.
- Political interests,
- good speaking skills.
- In addition, Leadership skils, philosophical.
21. Sun in Uttara Ashadha

- Keywords for instance, Fighter for a cause, strong speech.
- After that, Well known, controversial.
- Philosophical nature, deep thinker.
- Research oriented, learned.
- Desire to change societal values.
- In addition, Humanitarian,
- spiritual nature.
22. Sun in Shravana

- Keywords for instance, Good health, strong constitution.
- After that, Gifts in the communication field.
- Difficulties with superiors, rebellious.
- In addition, Practical,
- Pragmatic nature, Successful.
23. Sun in Dhanishtha

- Keywords for instance, Irrational at times, Stressful lifestyle.
- After that, Cynical, successful, Wealthy.
- Social interests, Philosophical nature.
- Athletic, hard working.
- Curious mind, research oriented.
- In addition, Courageous,
- strong issues with anger.
24. Sun in Shatabhisha

- Keywords for instance, Needs external encouragement, sickly.
- Writing ability, philosophical nature.
- After that, Hard working,
- humanitarian concern.
- In addition, Good Intelligence, Creative genius.
25. Sun in Purva Bhadrapada

- Keywords for instance, Need seclusion, Independent.
- Moody nature, Writing skill.
- After that, Need variety, dislike routine.
- In addition, Detailed work,
- creative intelligence.
26. Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada

- Keywords for instance, Spiritual, hardworking, speaks softly.
- Secretive, Cunning, Diplomatic.
- After that, Good writing skills, Mystical mind.
- Charitable and generous, Peaceful nature.
- In addition, Creative work,
- Quick-witted, Intelligent.
27. Sun in Revati

- Keywords for instance, Unpredictable, troubles with drugs.
- Love for travel, desires change.
- After that, Philosophical nature, charitable.
- Interest in political science, law.
- Unusual fame, humorous.
- In addition, Psychic, Sensitive, Artistic nature.
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