Planetary Combinations Make someone a Good Astrologer

Planetary Combinations Make someone a Good Astrologer

Jupiter - rules the knowledge of astrology.
Rahu - is an astrologer.
Ketu - rules astrology and it’s charisma.
Saturn - rules perfection.
Mercury - rules communication, intelligence.
Noteworthy combination:
1.    If Saturn aspects Jupiter (10, 7 and 3 houses) or is conjoined, makes one a Jagat Guru to a teacher on Jyotish, Spirituality, Yoga and such issues or vice versa.
2.    The above placement spread over in 10, 7, 4 and 1st houses makes a good astrologer.
3.    Saturn’s placement in the 4th and 5th house makes one intuitive to predict with great accuracy.
4.    Ketu’s placement makes one a great astrologer.
5.    Rahu’s placement makes one a great astrologer.
6.    Mercury’s presence in 11, 9, 7, 5 and 2nd house makes one highly communicative with great command in language, skills and ability to effectively speak / write and explain things to a great audience. Mercury in Virgo/Libra makes one to write books or his work is published in all types of media - newspaper, books, internet, radio, psychic fairs and TV shows etc and recognition from highly placed scholars and societies.
The above is just a tip of the iceberg to talk about, however, knowing one’s personal birth chart will reveal more and with great accuracy if one has “what it takes to be a good or great or Jagat Guru on astrology. One has to look into various Vargas as well to give a final word.

There are different contexts to this question. All planets as they are on the horoscope are related with Astrology and hence, becoming an astrologer.
If you mean the planets that help a person learn Astrology as a subject, alike any other subject, good grasping and expression is required to learn Astrology. Thus, Jupiter and Mercury should be important.
·         The distinction of Astrology as a subject from other subjects, lies in its secretive nature. So the mysterious houses and signs get involved with the Jupiter and Mercury. 8th house, 12th house and Pisces will be important.
·         To understand the intricacies of huge number of permutations that may be created with inter-relation of planets, houses and signs, the person has to have strong 5th house (Para Punya) and the support of Strong Mars (Pure intellect and logic) with the 5th house. Normally, you will not find Mars to be significator for Astrology in classical books.
·         Depending upon approach of the person to Astrology, different houses and planets may become subsidiaries or prominent
o    If the person uses astrology as a profession, charges for his work, then 2nd and 11 houses will be involved.
o    If there is no support of 2nd house, the astrologer will write on Quora for free and the rewards will be only in the form of tones of views and Upvotes and even when people seek his help, it would be for ‘Free
o    If the person has research orientation, 12th house will be more prominently involved.
o    All astrologers may not be genuinely knowledgeable. When astrologers strategy is fear based, in stead of Jupiter, he may depend upon Rahu.
o    Astrologers who are known for making predictions for the celebrities or the state, the 9th house should be involved ( I don’t mean correct predictions..!!)
o    Astrologers with exalted Moon believes in good consultation and they explain the clients about changing their way of thinking.
o    When Ketu participates with other planets of the Astrologer, he will suggest spiritual remedies.
o    Depending upon stronger planets, an astrologer will get specialization over different subjects in astrological work e.g., Venus for Relationship, Sun about Power, Mars about suggesting strategies to win over the competitors etc.
·         Depending upon the influence of current dasha lord, the astrologer may get indulged with clients approaching different subjects of life.

One need not be an astrologer to make a propasy. Astrology is only one of the sciences to see past and future, and not the sole ones as it depends on time. Time here is planetary position against a zodiac depending on the placement of celestial objects in as many possibilities. To be an astrologer and not to be are tow different entities:
1.    Anyone having Mercury in Virgo can be intuitive, who gives only second priority to sentiments (Venus's is afflicted in Virgo for the same reason. Mercury suspecting one of the houses do second good.
2.    Trine Aspect of Jupiter, or 7th at least from Pisces. Neither Jupiter nor Mercury should have combustion or conjunction with malefic planet. Astrologers, may manage to their level of perception to answer queries of clients to almost 60% probabilities. They consider Aries are reference point. Most important is that moon needs to be sufficiently strong. Best if not born with Andromeda rising. Many people study astrology and practice but often left with some doubts.
3.    Once I had an astrologer co passanger a swamiji in Rajdhani express some 15 years back. He came to find some astrological insight that he could get help in putting into English on foreign trip since he knows only Malayalam. When I called on landline his wife told him to be busy and I told I am from Kumarapuram (kumara = Subramanya; puram = town) gave him a missing link for a alternate ascendant that cast after a thinking became favorable as the number of balance cowries or numerological value counted from Aries as reference point. The relationship under question devoid malefic planet. Most of the Astrologers, may manage to the level of perception to individuals and answer approximates almost to 60%. ascendent became favourable in next cowries.
4.    My planetary position has Mercury who can see one of his houses, Saturn and Venus in exaltation,Jupiter and Mars in 4:5 parivartan, perhaps OK except That in 2nd make disclosing than hiding. Studies & Career in science took U turn to arts and belief due to Mandi in career house. Anyone starting astrology before 30 years leave it not later than 50 or 60, but I started practice after 60.
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Many scriptures claim that a period called Krita Yug starts with virtues that the cow stands on four legs. Let us examine the planetary position as per belief that Yuga cycle starts with Krita yuga of period of virtues aligns all planets at zero degree Aries and end with all at the last point of Pisces, that follow a dissolution. Chathuryuga starts with Krita yuga, with all planets in 00°00000 pico second. Only Rahu or Ketu can align so. If Rahu in odd sign as Aries, Ketu will be in Even sign as Scorpio. Please have a look:
1.    Sun, exalted, alert (in exaltation or own house) child in first 5°, say alert child.
2.    Moon, combusted, dreamer (friendly or neutral sign) dreamy child as good as dead.
3.    Mars, combusted, alert in own house, alert child, still as good as dead.
4.    Mercury, neutral house, dreamer child, combusted as good as dead.
5.    Jupiter, friendly house, dreamer. Child combusted, as good as dead.
6.    Venus, friendly house, dreamer. Child combusted, as good as dead.
7.    Saturn, enemy house,afflicted, sleeping child as good as dead.
8.    Rahu, enemy house, sleeping child still covers sun, whereby Sun is as good as dead.
9.    Ketu, in same degree of Libra (180°00000 ns) is child in 0–5°, hence sleeping child.
10.       All except Rahu and Ketu are as good as Dead.
11.       Nobody born at junction of signs not just becomes an astrologer, but lack every features having infertility too.
The Mini cycle starting with Aries completes with Pisces. Planets having Child stage in starting of Odd sign ends with Child stage in even sign, and those with dead stage in the bigining of even sign have dead stage in the end of even sign. If we see the end point as all planets in the last point of Pisces, everything remains the same in effect in starting of Krita Yug and ending of Kaliyug, what else could they differ?
1.    All planets will be in similar conditions but what makes difference is the behaviour of Sign.
a.     Aries and Libra are Moving signs but Fire and Air,
b.   Pisces and Virgo Fixed signs but Water and Earth,
2.    Whether Pisces to Aries is dissolution period it changes in a flicker. but a Gearshift of Rahu to Ketu at zero degree. may be dissolution period. Fact is that stars from Aries to Leo fall superior to sun (outer orbit) move slower than sun, whereas at least half of the stars in Libra to Aquarius fall inferior. Orbit that 30% move faster and 70% invopposite direction.
3.    That means Aries move counterclockwise displacing Pisces and astrologers who count precession of earth miss a celestial fact that one day Aries may align with Andromeda for at least 50 million years.
4.    Earth takes 40 precission and sun takes a quarter orbit. (Many earlier astrologers from Parades to BV Raman dearly missed the astronomical phenomenon unknown to mankind until recently, or yet to establish with scientific support, can't say.
5.    Stars in Milky way that constitute the entire zodiac may move by an average 1° that may drift Aries (0°Aries may be 90° away from Sagittarius, whereby Stars in that constellation can be just outside sun’s orbit may be 300- 900 million years. Back to Indian Units of Time, One Manuvanthara cycle covering 72 cycles of Chaturyuga correspond to that corresponds 306.72 Million years. (26,000 years formerly believed as orbit period of Sun got identified as Precession cycle of earth).
Controvesy in Transition to Aries in Yuga shift.
Aries being a firesign representing Indra, East, and moving sign that represents ram, sheep or mesha (the timber pole with iron fenced tip having carvings of sheep used to assault city gates in olden times. Entry of planets to foreign from a water sign considered as gannanda or cusp of 3°20 considered inauspicious because any ordinary baby born in firesign often dies in womb and turn to be still born. Anyone who takes birth put efforts is capable of rationalizing the prevailing practices or traditions whereas the earth and water signs substantiate them. Leo and Sagittarius being fixed and muted (neutral) signs have the effect to a lesser extent. Transition to Aries generates a Gola condition where all luminaries are centered in one sign overpopulate the sign. Sun at the starting point combusts all nearby planets including Mercury which otherwise yields a Rajayoga.
Secondly, transition of all planets to the first sign of Aries simultaneously has not been recorded remains to be possibility by hypothesis. Sovereign has power and lack wisdom. He can grab money but not wisdom.Advising them quite often ends in death of the advisers. Prophesy started to warn them in the name of divination still 1/324 chance it err and ends in execution of astrologer for wrong information. Therefore, an agency comprising of a mathematician, psychologist, economist, warfare expert, physician or an all inclusive astrophysist (an astrologer with tantric ideas) assigns a ventriloquist to announce or warn as Oracle or unspecific hints. Prophasies in Shakespearean drama is filled with insight in astrology. Othello is a typical example of sorcery or witchcaft. Oracle's of Nostradamus miss a specific time and place, and some referring time and place miss the event. A condition termed suggestion exists by which an event can be altered by will power.
Whereas, astrology is a means of articulating history with future events by the coincidence of planets in past and deriving the same for future. Talented astrologer understands the probable issues at the level of a doctor who identifies the possible disease condition, from the way of expression and gestures and articulation with planetary position in most of the occasions are confirmatory tests. Even the minutest calculations slip by a moment. There is a phenomenon termed chamalkar (Miracle) that becomes an extra ordinary condition. Prophesy turns to be much superior to astrological predictions. There is a method of Nimitta shastra, a person closely observing the nature gets hints like a deer an alert animal senses danger much ahead of us. Stars and planets are not observable during day and some alignments make them altogether in the other side. Planet positions derived mathematically can miss by an angular diameter may fall in cusp that can alter net results drastically. Astrology depends on the reported time of birth and a hospital clock not necessarily has a link to Universal Time C ordinate or Time zone correction. A judge makes a verdict based on evidences and an astrologer taking a blind decision from mere planet positions err by hairline. There lies the difference of simple horoscope and a question based horoscopy. Many Questions carry a half answer, and one remedy already is there.
Next the transition, any astrologer can miss on planet, the fastest moving moon of 14 waxing and 14 waning phases remain the wonder of all times. While all other planets create trouble in expense house, moon grants yoga and an eighth ownership least affects her. Even as a crippled horoscope with narrow income house a maligo turns to be an angel in some hora conditions. Astrology is an ocean, and prophesy is a small fishing with a hook when an astrologer with one broken mesh returns empty handed. Even as an astrologer i admit that prophesy rocks (a falling bamboo leaf on the side gave a tendency to warn my co brother, he was saved without being disfigured as he could escape from a falling machinery in the ship)

Astrology is ruled by the two Gurus, Jupiter, the Deva guru and Venus the Rakshasa Guru.
The second house is the house of voice and hence the house of prediction and astrology.
the people who have Jupiter sitting the second house or even better, aspecting the second house, are good at making predictions, it is considered as a gift from the Gods for an astrologer.
Similarly if Venus is sitting in or aspecting the second house, the person is good at speaking and making predictions.
If both Venus and Jupiter influence the second house, a person takes to astrology naturally, in fact it is believed that such people are born with the knowledge of astrology that they have carried forward to this life.

1.    Strong Jupiter for intuition , faith in God and contentment in character . Watery sign
2.    Strong Mercury for practical common sense , intelligence , communication ability and mathematical fluency .
3.    Saturn should also be linked to Jupiter .
4.    Dasha sequence of Jupiter , Saturn, Mercury in mature age is best .
5.    There has to be a sound reason / motivation for entering into astrology e.g. personal tragedy leading to detachment , seeking spiritual knowledge or salvation or family tradition of astrology . In absence of such motivation / reason , the interest may be short lived .


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